FCA (SA), MMed (Anaesthesiology), DA (SA), MBBCh (Wits), BSc. Physiotherapy (Wits)
Specialist Anaesthesiologist
Practice number 0691364
- Anaesthesia for orthopaedic surgery
- Anaesthesia for vascular surgery
- Anaesthesia for renal access
Consent Forms – Important
Please print out, read, complete and sign the consent form (Click the button below) and the anaesthesia information sheet, and bring both with you on your day of operation.
Quotes and Accounts
Counterstrike Consulting
Web: http://www.csconsulting.co.za/index.php
Email: roz@csconsulting.co.za
Contact Person: Roz Sacks
Tel: +27 11 640 6397
Regular Surgical Lists
Day | Surgeon | Speciality | Hospital |
Monday | Dr Michael Barrow | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Netcare Sunninghill Hospital |
Tuesday | Dr Gabriel Doucas | Plastic Surgeon | Netcare Linksfield Hospital |
Wednesday | Dr Evangelos Apostoleris | Urologist | Fourways Life Hospital |
Thursday | Dr Dirk Le Roux | Vascular Surgeon | Netcare Sunninghill Hospital |